In here you'll be able to find all my stories, romances and shorts as well as a small resume off each one. You will also find a link (in the future) with which you may download them for free :O
Well then, let's get on with it, shall we?
"Unlimited English Works"
I am the bone of my English,
Science is my body, and letters are my blood;
I have learned over a thousand things,
Unknown to my family,
Nor known to myself,
I have withstood pain to do many exams;
Yet these things I have learned, most won't be used for anything;
So as I pray...all I've ever had, has always been,
Unlimited English Works!
This poem was(plagiarized) inspired in Unlimited Blade Works, a chant from a character in the anime Fate/Stay Night.
The poem's tittle was going to be this blog's name.
Unlimited English Works!
This poem was
The poem's tittle was going to be this blog's name.
"Forever Alone"
Sup guys? I'm not going to put the actual poem in here, just check the Media-Fire Folder and download it.
I don't remember when I started creating this story but I believe it was around 3 weeks ago or so, anyway that's not very relevant. As a trivia fact, I created most of this story on the days I forgot to take my earphones when I when home by bus. It's a very long trip - 45min more or less - so since I didn't have music to distract me, I wrote stories on my cell phone.
A group of North-American scientists, after several weeks of research, create a machine capable o creating portals to other places around the world using an entirely new method that involves the recently discovered Quantum Existence Waves, or Q.E.W. for short, based on the Quantum Theory. Everything seems to go right, until a fateful day where something goes wrong and the entire lab explodes, sending a gigantic portal into the skies. From it came several invaders, aliens with an iron will and determination to enslave human kind... which they easily achieve with their mighty arsenal and advanced technology.
One year later, one third of Humanity has been enslaved, one third killed, and the rest well, the rest got a fate some would call worse than death.
One young British man by the name of Allen Walker takes a somewhat peaceful life in the now enslaved London. Like London, the rest of the world seems to scream that Humanity is doomed to be nothing more than servants to the new alien overlords...but...Humanity is well known for it's unique ability of never giving up.
“Love, happiness and joy…all gone, banished from a world in which you should be prepared to lose whatever shreds of sanity you still possess. I wish I could remember the time I had reason…after all, when reason is gone, nothing is left but madness.”
I was inspired on many famous movies and games when I was writing this but mainly the Japanese Animation Series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Heaven Piercing Gurren Laggan) or just TTGL. Now for those who know this anime, you'll recognize a lot of references from it, but don't expect to read about a Robot the size of a Galaxy in my story xD
None yet but I'll make it available in a Document Word later. If prefer some other method like PDF of something, inform me please.
Prelude - 100%
Chapter I - The Future Isn't What It Used To Be. - 10%
I have other stories somewhere around the house... For now I'll leave this here and I'll update new content later on.
How you can help with this section:
Pretty much the same as in the Gamez Section :D
- Send me suggestions and critics both about the story as well as the character names and personalities (for the romances and shorts obviously).
- New plot turns and events you made up.
- Entirely new characters and how they fit into the story.
- Grammar mistakes and others.
- Story themes you would like to read about.
If you have any of the above, contact me here:
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